National Martini Day - June 19 - Fancy a Drink

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June 19 is National Martini Day. The history of the drink goes back to Manhattan. Forget about James Bond for a moment. Picture yourself walking in to a Manhattan Club. Even if you’ve never been in New York City, you are sharply dressed. The bartender notices you. You want a cocktail. Have a Martini, it is National Martini Day after all.

The Martini is steeped in controversy. It might be with gin and vermouth. It might be with vodka and vermouth. The history is not quite as clear as you might find with the bourbon or whiskey drinks, that are made in specific parts of the US.

Hopefully, it’s good news that vodka or gin are just fine for National Martini Day, because either is great to celebrate this day. James Carville said, “The ultimate feeling in the world is to be about two-thirds of the way through my second Martini with people I like. Anything seems possible.”



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