Three Bottle Cocktails - New Cocktails Added - Fancy a Drink

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Update: New Cocktail added Today (8/7)The Negroni

Being sheltered in place or simply staying at home can be difficult, it can be boring and it can be repetitive, however, it is good for our collective well being. The Three Bottle Cocktails Series aims to upend the boring and ease the difficulty just a bit.

Since it is good for our mental health to laugh and carry on a bit, let’s have some fun. A great way to do so is to enjoy an evening cocktail. Being shut in as we are, however, may mean that we are limited to what is on our bar.

We have re-launched our Fancy A Drink series, “The Three Bottle Bar”. The goal is to make crafting a cocktail simple and enjoyable by requiring three ingredients, no more. For these cocktails, we have generally eliminated garnishes to focus on a base spirit and two mixers. Each recipe in the series is tagged Three Bottles.

There are approximately 20 cocktails on the Three Bottle Cocktails list which should just get us through quarantine and into early May. The newest Three Bottles Cocktail recipe on the list is the Bees Knees. Please let us know which ones you enjoy, any changes you made and which ones you did not like.

Here is the running list of Three Bottle Cocktails:

  1. Gin Sour
  2. Gin Fizz
  3. Bees Knees
  4. Manhattan
  5. Black Manhattan
  6. The Americano
  7. Daiquiri
  8. Negroni

As always, you can find excellent and simple dinner recipes at our sister site, Fancy A Meal.

Perhaps we will all enjoy a cocktail in the physical company of some friends soon, however, until then, a virtual “Cheers!” to you all.

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